From Loring Knoblauch’s extensive review of “Joshua Lutz | Orange Blossom Trail”:
Interleaving the symbolic with the literal, Lutz’s “Orange Blossom Trail” tells a story of 21st century American existence where the dreams have been dimmed quite a bit by the weight of everyday living. The project touches on suburbanization of the landscape, the alienation of workers and communities, and the growing pressures on cash-crop agriculture, blending them with a seductive Floridian mythology that doesn’t quite fit the contemporary picture and an understated (and perhaps unexpected) beauty as seen by Lutz’s eye. The result is an attentive and thought-provoking symphony of orange, where quiet resignation reigns over fading aspiration.
Browse the exhibition “Joshua Lutz | Orange Blossom Trail.”
Browse all of Joshua Lutz’s work at CLAMP.