Image: Manjari Sharma, “Lord Brahma,” 2013.
The Aperture Foundation’s “Summer Open” exhibition features 103 prints from 97 different artists selected by Executive Director, Chris Boot, from over 860 submissions, and is organized by visual category. One of the selections, under the ‘Flowers’ category, is our own Manjari Sharma’s Lord Brahma from her series “Darshan.”
From Chris Boot:
The work submitted for the exhibition left me with one overwhelming impression that caught me by surprise: that serious photography today, for all its self-awareness and sophistication, is characterized above all by a sense of joy. Serious photography used to be, well, serious—about itself, its place in the world, its social and aesthetic agendas. When did it free itself of these constraints and become so playful?
Congratulations to Manjari on her inclusion in the exhibition!
Aperture Foundation
547 West 27th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
July 17 – August 14, 2014
Monday through Saturday
10:00 am–6:00 pm
See Manjari Sharma’s series, “Darshan”
Browse all of Manjari Sharma’s work at ClampArt
Blog post by:
Keavy Handley-Byrne, Gallery Assistant