The ten portraits on the right, shared with us by artist Nancy Burson, are the images that make up her piece, Businessman (10 Businessmen from Goldman Sachs), 1982. While the finished piece is certainly interesting in itself, it is fun to see the different expressions of each businessman before becoming part of the final “ultimate” banker composite, as they are all so unique, even if they have so much in common at a glance.
It makes one wonder what a composite of the top executives at Goldman Sachs today would look like. . . It would certainly be different than it was in 1982, as now they have a woman on their executive board!
Nancy Burson’s solo exhibition, “Composites,’” is on display at ClampArt through Saturday, March 29th, 2014.
Blog post by:
Keavy Handley-Byrne, Gallery Assistant