From Melanie McWhorter Photography Consulting:
This interview with Jason Langer is long-awaited. The amount of time that passes when I first an artist decides to produce a book, self-published or working with a publisher can be a long journey. Jason and I started chatting about his book project on Berlin in 2020, but he was conceiving off the work long before. Within our initial discussions, we chatted about the aesthetic issues with book conception reviewing hundreds of images to get it down to a edit that presented his strongest images while maintaining the narrative, despite the fact that the story arc was still evolving. There were lots of discussions about including nudes in the book that revisited some of the sites associated with the Jewish Holocaust in WWII, but images that also showed the many facets of the Langer. Was it a story of contemporary Berlin considering the context of its complex history or was it as he first thought of titling it Jason Langer’s Berlin, a more autobiographical story of an individual living now with his own personal history using photography as a medium to explore his story? Ultimately, with the guidance of myself, consultant Alexa Becker, designer Matthew Papa, and an incredible and diverse group of advisors, historians, essayists, friends, grant makers, and more, Langer now has the beautiful book that is a hybrid that explores his life, the history of this place, set in the context of contemporary 21st century life. I believe that Langer with his books Secret City and Possession published by Nazraeli, Jason Langer: Twenty Years, and now this Berlin book has an amazing knowledge and photobook publishing experience. For this interview, I think we may only skim the surface, but hope we provide an overview of Langer’s book Berlin and an overview of contemporary photobook conception, design, and production.