From Loring Knoblauch’s extensive review of Ion Zupcu’s exhibition “Etudes on Glass” for Collector Daily:

Zupcu made line drawings of all his compositions before executing them in paper, and that linear thinking is visible in the way he treats his forms. Each work has two layers: a foreground element in bright color, and a background element in muted tones of blue. The focus has been meticulously placed on the foreground object, allowing the back to drift to blur, softening the planes and surfaces so they complement what’s in front rather than compete with it. In some cases, the backdrop is simply the striping of dark tabletop and lighter back wall; in others, Zupcu has added folded geometric elements that provide understated contrasts to or echoes of main sculptural form. In some sense, this layering can be associated with the left hand/right hand playing in the music, with one providing foundation and the other leading with melody.

Read the full review

Browse the exhibition “Etudes on Glass” at ClampArt
Browse all of Ion Zupcu’s work at ClampArt