From VegNews:

It’s easy to take it for granted that growing old is a part of life. But the vast majority of farm animals lose their lives before their first birthday. They will never know old age. In photographer Isa Leshko’s gorgeous and moving book Allowed to Grow Old: Portraits of Elderly Animals From Farm Sanctuaries (The University of Chicago Press), she beautifully captures farmed animals who have been rescued by sanctuaries, and (unlike their relatives on farms) may now grow old. The book’s stunning black and white images include portraits of Abe, a 21-year-old goat living happily at Harvest Home Sanctuary; Ash, a turkey who survived a factory farm to spend her senior years relaxing at Farm Sanctuary; and Bessie, a dairy cow saved while on her way to the slaughterhouse, who has grown to the ripe old age of 20 while living peacefully at Pasado’s Safe Haven.

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