From Ger Zielinski’s review of the exhibitions “James Bidgood: Revieries” and “Mariette Pathy Allen: Rites of Passage, 1978-2006” for Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism:

“Reveries” brings together selected works by the gay photographer and filmmaker James Bidgood, while “Rites of Passage” surveys the photography of Mariette Pathy Allen, making evident her longstanding work with and commitment to the transgender and gender non-conforming communities across four decades. From the museum’s stairway, visitors encounter first an assortment of Bidgood’s spotlit pastel-hued erotic photographs mounted on three white walls, with his film “Pink Narcissus” (1971) looped and filling a significant portion of the farthest wall. Through the subdued doorways at the end, one discovers Pathy Allen’s photography, which tenderly captures moments from the everyday lives of transgender people.

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Browse all of James Bidgood’s work at ClampArt
Browse all of Mariette Pathy Allen’s work at ClampArt