From Marion Ottaviani’s article for Numéro:
If his name doesn’t ring a bell that’s pretty normal. Born in 1933 in Madison, Wisconsin, James Bidgood’s oeuvre has largely fallen to the wayside in the history of underground culture. And the main reason for this omission? His greatest project, a movie entitled Pink Narcissus that took more than seven years to complete before finally being released anonymously. This was apparently the fault of the financiers who forced him to release the 66-minute feature length even though he considered it unfinished. As a sort of revenge Bidgood insisted the credits said “Directed by: Anonymous”, raging yet hoping this mystery would intrigue potential spectators. No such luck and the film was sometimes attributed to Andy Warhol and at others to Kenneth Anger – with whom he clearly shared a love for pop visuals in Technicolor.