2015 SPE Imagemaker Award winner Adam Ekberg discusses his time spent in Eastern Oregon at the PLAYA Residency Program on the Society for Photographic Education’s blog:

In my photographs, I attempt to generate a temporal action that is documented with the camera. These small DIY gestures often involve using inexpensive materials that come largely from convenience stores and party shops. The image ‘Dominoes,’ which I made at PLAYA, exemplifies this practice. Like most of my photographs, it originated as a sketch. In this drawing of a line of fifty-plus dominoes cascading across a desert landscape, I wanted to capture the dominoes in the act of falling precisely in the middle of the frame. The motion would be generated from outside of the left side of the frame and understood to eventually carry on beyond the right side of the frame. In this way, I wanted to imply an infinite line of dominoes, an infinite chain reaction crossing the desert.

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