From Ken Weingart’s interview with Jill Greenberg for his Art and Photography Blog:
KW: How did you get started in photography?
JG: I have been drawing, painting, and taking pictures since I was about eight or nine. I went to Cranbrook for elementary school, so I learned to print in the darkroom in 5th grade but was shooting even in 3rd and 4th grade.
My parents were photo hobbyists and they let me use their cameras. I used to set up still lifes of my model horses, and later I staged portraits of my Westie named Plato. I used to draw him and horses obsessively as a little girl. In high school I wanted to be a fashion illustrator or a fashion photographer, and I went to RISD for a precollege illustration program but ended up being a photo major at RISD after spending a summer on a scholarship at Parsons in Paris studying photography