From Sarah Coleman’s interview with Marc Yankus for The Literate Lens:
Sara Coleman: How did your project “The Space Between” begin?
Marc Yankus: In early 2013, I was photographing the Goldman Sachs building in New Jersey from across the Hudson River. It’s elegant, but I thought the buildings around it were ugly. All of a sudden, I realized I didn’t have to be literal; I could break the rules I’d set for myself in photography.
Sara Coleman: Which were…?
Marc Yankus: Well, in photojournalism there’s a rule that you don’t manipulate a photograph, it’s not ethical to do that. Although I’m not a photojournalist, I’d always followed that rule. I wouldn’t manipulate the structure of a photograph, I’d never change a building. Once I freed myself from that stricture, the project took off.
View the original interview in full
View the exhibition
See all of Marc Yankus’ photographs at ClampArt