From Paddy Johnson’s article for ArtFCity:
In the 1990s the New York transgender scene was pretty localized. Most drag queens lived within a 10-block radius of one another in the East Village, and nobody went further than midtown for a club. New York was still considered dangerous, but the city became decadent because of it; the police were so busy fighting street crime that the clubs were really wild and crazy. The club’s fostered this creative atmosphere that was energizing and attracted people who were marginalized elsewhere.
That’s how Linda Simpson, a well-known New York personality and drag queen remembers it. She currently has a show at ClampArt consisting of 11 intimate photographs taken of her friend and prominent village performer Page. Nestled in the hallway-shaped back room of the gallery, the images, taken with a 35 millimeter point-and-shoot at clubs or on the street, provide a good amount of insight into who Page was and why so many people cared about her.
View Linda Simpson’s exhibition, “Pages”
Browse all of Linda Simpsons’ work at ClampArt