From Loring Knoblauch’s review for Collector Daily:
Constructing elaborate environments for the sole purpose of photographing them has become an increasingly common artistic process in contemporary photography. Part of the draw of such an approach is the elegant conceptual inversion that takes place – the camera doesn’t know it’s been set up in front of a staged scene and so records it with the same fidelity as it would a “real” landscape, allowing the artist to both control every aspect of the composition and simultaneously twist the notion of traditional photographic truth. Thomas Demand and James Casebere are two of the best known practitioners of this kind of constructive photography, and Lori Nix and her extended project The City fit squarely into this mode of image making.
Nix’ long term series centers on a post-apocalyptic, people-less future, where familiar indoor settings have become scenes of slow decay and disuse, left to rot by the vanished inhabitants. Meticulous hardly seems to be an extreme enough word to describe Nix’ attention to detail in these dioramas.
View Lori Nix’s series, “The City”
Browse all of Lori Nix’s work at ClampArt