From Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa’s compelling essay on Amy Stein’s work for The Great Leap Sideways:
In his afterword to Joel Sternfeld’s “American Prospects,” critic Andy Grundberg asks the telling question that in so many ways has defined the evolution of American fine art documentary photography, at least since Walker Evans’s American Photographs appeared in book form in 1938: “Why is there such an urge to encompass America — or at least that part of the North American continent that is the United States? Why this drive to swallow the country whole — to know it as one knows a lover, to reveal its innermost essence — when it was born of many parts, a federation of different states of place and mind? Perhaps it is the vastness of the undertaking that draws us in, the immensity of the task.”
View Amy Stein’s series, “Stranded”
Browse all of Amy Stein’s work at ClampArt