From Aline Smithson’s story for Lenscratch:

One day several months ago, I was listening to NPR while driving across town. A familiar voice was being interviewed and I began to listen with rapt attention as the author shared his story. The author is a friend, Joshua Lutz, and the story is a true one, in fact he was recalling events from his own childhood—a childhood built on fiction and fact, a childhood that was a stew of uncertainty, of mental illness, and of shifting realities. Joshua has created a uniquely personal monograph, “Hesitating Beauty,” published by Schilt about the structure of the photograph as truth. The book also challenges the traditional function of the medium in building narrative. The project is an intimate portrait of the artist’s mother, but it also is a reflection of a growing up that was at best, complex and challenging.

View the original article

View Joshua Lutz’s series, “Hesitating Beauty”
View all of Joshua Lutz’s work at ClampArt