From Mark Murrmann’s review for Mother Jones:

Most photographers use their books as a means to an end, a delivery vehicle for their images. Photographer Joshua Lutz, by contrast, uses his latest, “Hesitating Beauty,” to tell a story. Lutz identifies as an artist who works with photographs—a fitting description given the gorgeous large-format landscapes he’s shot in the past and the way he turned this one into an artistic medium. In “Hesitating Beauty,” he employs vintage family photos, contemporary images of his mother, and text that reads like fragments of a stranger’s letters—not to mention the book’s physical format—to plunge the reader into a world in which reality appears entirely subjective. It’s not some philosophical jerkoff, but a rather painful exploration of his mother’s descent into mental illness.

View the original article

View Joshua Lutz’ series, “Hesitating Beauty”
Browse all of Joshua Lutz’ work at ClampArt