Rachel Papo | “Backstage With the New York City Ballet Dancers,” New York Magazine

From New York Magazine:

Just one week after New York Fashion Week ended, Valentino unveiled a new body of work at Lincoln Center. Yesterday, we sent a photographer to capture the hair, makeup, and dress rehearsal of the New York City Ballet’s premiere of Bal de Couture. Click ahead to see the dancers warming up in their logroll hairdos — just as interesting as anything we saw at Fashion Week — as well as their magnificent twirling in the designer’s black-and-white dresses (revealing layers of red and shocking pink tulle beneath). You know, just in case you couldn’t make it to last night’s star-studded event hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker.

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View Rachel Papo’s series, “Desperately Perfect”

Browse all of Rachel Papo’s work at ClampArt

Davina Feinberg

Davina Feinberg writes: “Babies are our most profound symbol of pure beauty. Their innocence, curiosity, clear gaze, and softness makes us all unite and share the same human reaction of unconditional love.

“I focused on one-year-old baby girls as I found that at this age their gestures are incredibly raw and yet familiar. In this series titled ‘Enameled,’ I photograph baby girls specifically with blond hair and blue eyes as a constructed measure of beauty. I cast and manipulate the subjects to further idealize their image as I am looking to question beauty and human symbols of perfection. . . ”