In “Signals Crossed” Michael Massaia explores the phenomenon and effect of the proliferation of animated LED billboards currently blanketing New York City. Using moderately long exposures to capture the hidden, chaotic, and at times beautiful patterns that occur in between and during the animated advertisements, Massaia attempts to display these patterns as a true analogue for the sense of overstimulation that the digital age is imposing on the collective thought process. The resulting images show the ads melting away; what remains is a mirror of their effects on the viewer.
Michael Massaia | Signals Crossed
George M. Cohan Variations (Triptych)
George M. Cohan Variation #1
45th Street
7th Avenue Phoenix
42nd Street Falafel Stand
7th Avenue Hotdog Stand
George M. Cohan – Side Variation
44th Street Hotdog Stand
Marriott Marquis Variation #1
Marriott Marquis Variation #2
Marriott Marquis Variation #3
Marriott Marquis Variation #4
50th Street #1
50th Street #2
49th Street Cosmos
43rd Street Cosmos