September 16 – October 30, 2004

Opening reception:
Thursday, September 16th, 2004
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

ClampArt is pleased to announce “Induction: Photographs by Robert Flynt.”

For Flynt’s newest body of work presented in his first solo show at ClampArt, the artist has mined primarily two types of found imagery: vin-tage photographs of hypnosis and physical examinations (usually of medical nature conducted by the military). During hypnosis, a subject is induced to a relaxed, suggestible mental state. Along parallel lines, upon passing a physical examination, another kind of subject is inducted into military service. Flynt’s interest in these two types of induction converge in the sense that during the process of both a hypnosis and a physical examination one subject is acted upon by another person in a position of power or authority (presumably some sort of doctor or professional). Similarly, while projecting slides of appropriated images onto his models in the studio, Flynt physically acts upon his subjects maneuvering their torsos and limbs, alternately replicating and resisting the activity in the cast image. He sees a connection between the relationship of an artist and his model to the power dynamic of the professional who acts upon a subject (both physically and psychologically). Thus, Flynt’s new body of work comments upon not only the nature of artistic production, but also our society in more general terms. We are all maneuvered and manipulated consciously or not as we go about the tasks of living of our daily lives.

Robert Flynt’s work has long been characterized by the layering
of original and found imagery (with source material as diverse
as anatomy charts, first aid text books, astronomical maps, 19th-century etchings, tintypes, x-rays, menswear catalogues, and photographs of classical statuary). Formerly known for photographing figures underwater, Flynt has emerged from the pool and is now working primarily in the unlit studio “painting” around his figures with small light sources during the course of the extremely long exposures. While projections are incorporated into the majority of the images in the exhibition, examples from his newest un-layered series of “Separations” will also be shown.

Robert Flynt is a well-established artist who has exhibited his work in New York for over twenty years. His work in repre-sented in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, and International Center for Photo-graphy, among many others.

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