From David Smith’s interview with Rachel Hulin for Image Source:
Rachel Hulin, the photographer behind “Flying Henry,” tells us about the influences and process behind the photo project that became a wildly successful children’s book.
In an interview with “Time Magazine,” photographer Rachel Hulin revealed that the “Flying Henry” book began as an escape from boredom while on assignment back in 2011 (who hasn’t occasionally wished they could fly away from a project!). The photos she made of her son flying through the air found firstly an appreciative audience on Facebook, then became a fully-fledged phenomenon appearing on “Time Magazine,” Huffington Post, CBS News, ABC News, CNN,, and “The Today Show.”
The book was released in March and as Rachel Hulin tells us below, the initial print run is nearly sold out. What is it about these images that have made blogs and mainstream media go ‘gaga’? The blurb on the back of the book suggest some reasons – “The flying baby photographs transcend cute”, said “Time,” while says the book offers, “A new level of whimsy.”