Jim French first began drawing and then photographing male erotica in the 1960s. Originally a successful fashion illustrator, French and an old army buddy partnered to open a mail order company in New York City they called Luger. French contributed homoerotic drawings of hyper-masculine types such as soldiers, cowboys, and bikers. Eventually he bought out his business partner, and by 1967, under the pseudonym Rip Colt, he founded the now infamous Colt Studio. Producing highly detailed drawings for various Colt Studio books, magazines, and calendars, French turned to the new Polaroid camera to shoot photographs of male models that eventually would serve as research studies. However, despite his great talent with the pencil, as time went on, French ultimately built a formidable reputation for himself as one of the most important photographers of the male form.
Jim French (1932-2017)
John Pruitt, Bel Air
John Pruitt, Palm Springs
Jim French, “John Pruitt, Splash”
Jim French, “Rick Wolfmeir II, Studio”
Untitled (Sailor) / P00144
Untitled (Sailor) / P00086
Untitled (Sailor) / P00095
Untitled (Sailor) / P00074
Untitled (Cowboy) / P00075
Untitled (Cowboy) / P00103
Untitled (Two Cowboys) / P00059
Untitled (Two Cowboys) / P00062
Untitled (Cowboy) / P00071
Untitled (Construction Worker) / P00107
Untitled (Wrestlers) / P00068
Untitled (Leather Jacket) / P00083
Untitled (Blindfold) / P00102
Untitled (Two Men in Leather) / P00080
Untitled (Two Men in Leather) / P00084
Untitled (Model) / P00073
Untitled (Model) / P00088
Untitled (Model) / P00087
Untitled (Bowing) / P00096
Untitled (In Bed) / P00097
Untitled (Man in Chair) / P00109
Untitled (Model) / P00110
Untitled (Cowboy) / P00112
Untitled (Dancers) / P00115
Untitled (Man in Vest) / P00143
Untitled (Model) / P00079
John Pruitt, Bow and Arrow