Gregory Crewdson is an American photographer renowned for his elaborately staged, cinematic tableaux of small-town American homes and neighborhoods. Each of Crewdson’s images requires a team of hundreds of people, a budget not unlike that of a small movie production, and weeks to months of planning to produce. Crewdson’s work has been widely published and exhibited internationally.
Gregory Crewdson (b. 1962)
Untitled (Man in Car with Shed)
Untitled (Ray of Light)
Untitled (Circle on Window)
Production Still, Untitled (Worthington Street #1)
Production Still (Man in the Woods #3)
Production Still (Man in the Woods #2)
Production Still (Library Still #2)
Untitled, Unreleased #4
Special Edition Detail from Untitled
Production Still (Brightview #2)
Production Still (Merchant’s Row)
Untitled (Production Still from “Beneath the Roses”)
Untitled (Production Still from “Beneath the Roses”)
Untitled (Production Still from “An Eclipse of Moths”)